Alexandria between the Selfs Gran and the Interactions of Cultural Patterns in the «Novel «A Magical Thread» by Hussam Nur al-Din

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The city was and still is a non-neutral space, exercising its dominance and authority over the writing self, after being possessed by its magic. The geography of the place intersects with the time of the text/novel, in the way the writer wishes to present it. It is a cultural product influenced by the awareness of the writer in his portrayal of the city.

 This work seeks to stand at the image of the city of Alexandria in the eyes of the novelist Hossam Nour El-Din, and its various dimensions, the details of which were drawn by the events of the novel "A Magical Thread". And that was done through a research tagged: “Alexandria between the self’s groans and the interactions of cultural patterns in the novel “A Magical Thread” by Hussam Nur al-Din” in order to reveal the similarities between the self and this city on the one hand, and the facts and pains that the memory of the self stores, controlled by different cultural norms and patterns. This raises a number of questions, including:

-         How was the image of the city manifested in the novel "Magic Thread"?

-    How successful is the writer in expressing the self’s failures and its multifaceted suffering?

-     Was the language of silence able to impose its power in the face of the pressure of memory and the conquest of circumstances?

 -     What is the extent of the success of the novel "A Magical Thread" in being a mirror reflecting the crises that Alexandrian society witnessed in the shadow of extraneous patterns?

These and other questions the research will attempt to answer in its entirety.

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How to Cite
Klaa, R. (2023). Alexandria between the Selfs Gran and the Interactions of Cultural Patterns in the «Novel «A Magical Thread» by Hussam Nur al-Din. Jadara Journal of Research and Studies, 9(1), 1–23.