أثر تقييمــــات الــــذات الجوهريــــة للعاملين على ســــلوكهم الاســــتِباقي في الشــــركات الصناعيـــة الفلسطينية

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شفا سالم السقا بسيسو
ليلى حسام الدين شكر
دينا فاروق العجري


The study's goal was to see how core-self evaluations affected employees' proactive behavior. A survey questionnaire was prepared and delivered to a sample of 359 individuals in administrative and executive roles in nine Palestinian industrial businesses, using a descriptive-analytical technique. The study came up with a number of conclusions, the most important of which is that two aspects of self-esteem, self-efficacy in taking control, and employee creativity, had a positive significant influence. Furthermore, the employee's voice has an internal locus of control. Furrthermore, all dimensions of core-self assessments on problem prevention. However, there is no substantial influence of two aspects of internal locus of control and emotional stability on taking responsibility and averting issues. Furthermore, self-esteem, self-efficacy, and emotional stability on the employee's voice. Finally, the research advised that employees in Palestinian industrial organizations define clear, time-bound, and strategic goals for growth, as well as address gaps in levels of core-self assessments in order to reach an effective balance in their levels of proactive behavior. Furthermore, there is a requirement to establish a specific long-term cognitive-behavioral therapy program to address low levels of core-self assessments to qualify employee's personality, as well as pay attention to developing programs to gather, attract, reinvest, and structure proactive personnel.

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How to Cite
بسيسو ش. س. ا. ., شكر ل. ح. ا. . . ., & العجري د. ف. . (2022). أثر تقييمــــات الــــذات الجوهريــــة للعاملين على ســــلوكهم الاســــتِباقي في الشــــركات الصناعيـــة الفلسطينية. Jadara Journal of Research and Studies, 8(1), 260–284. https://doi.org/10.54161/jrs.v8i1.174