الآليات الاجرائية والموضوعية لحماية المستهلك في العقد الالكتروني

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منير علي هليل
عبد الناصر علي الدهون


 This study aimed to demonstrate the nature of the consumer's legal protection in light of electronic contracting technology ", where modern technologies used in online contracting appear to be, Several problems have been resolved and new prospects have opened up for the consumer by giving them new shopping that they could not access through normal contracting However, this has not been without problems requiring legislative intervention to protect the electronic consumer. These problems have not been taken into account, as in the past: E-certification and e-signature assurance. Consumers are faced with these challenges. The need to create e-consumer safeguards is urgent. These safeguards promote consumer confidence in dealing with e-commerce internationally. Thus, the need for legal protections for the electronic consumer before and after contracting is urgently present and absent as legislation on such commercial matters evolves. These are prerequisites for the legal protection of the electronic consumer, given the boom and widespread risks of e-commerce. Has legislation been able to adapt the legal climate necessary to accommodate the new movement of e-commerce and its core e-consumer loop?

The importance of our research is that it addresses one of the vital and modern topics in the legal sphere by identifying the e-consumer's right to provide legal protection mechanisms, both before and after electronic contracting. e-commerce in Jordanian and Arab legislation, given the widespread spread of electronic commerce via the Internet. It seems obvious that gaps and legislative shortcomings exist in most of the legislation dealing with e-consumer protection.

We found that the consumer's protection of the vision option in the Civil Code may not provide the consumer with protection in remote contracting, since it applies not to all types of contracts but only contracts that bear avoidance and do not respond to particular items, whereas the consumer needs protection in all contracts regardless of the nature of the contract. We will rely on the use of analytical and comparative descriptive curriculum

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How to Cite
هليل م. ع. . ., & الدهون ع. ا. ع. . (2022). الآليات الاجرائية والموضوعية لحماية المستهلك في العقد الالكتروني. Jadara Journal of Research and Studies, 8(1), 100–116. https://doi.org/10.54161/jrs.v8i1.162