مستوى الضغوط النفسية الأسرية وعلاقتها بالتسويف الأكاديمي لدى طلبة الدراسات العليا في جامعة مؤتة
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This study aimed at investigating the level of family Psychological pressure and its relation with procrastination among post graduate students at Mutah University and investigating the relation between family pressure that postgraduate students face at Mutah university and the level of procrastination and its variation according to some variables. To achieve the purposes of the study, a validated and reliable instrument of family pressure and procrastination was developed. Sample of 418 male and female students whom random cluster was selected .The results of the study revealed that family Psychological pressure level and the procrastination that postgraduate students was moderate from their point of view .Also , there was a relation between the family psychological pressure and the procrastination. The results of the study also showed that the relation between the family psychological pressure and the procrastination among the postgraduate students at Mutah university differ according to the marital status in favor of singles , where it does not differ due to the college .In light of the results of the study, the researcher recommends some recommendations where the notably are :the necessity of activating family counseling among postgraduate students, and conducting training courses and counseling programs to reduce the family psychological pressure and how to face them.
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