The Role of the Jordanian Customs Department in the Protection of Intellectual Property

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Attallah Altaany
Dr. Taha Jaradat Jaradat



The Jordanian Customs Department, by virtue of its work in the border and interior posts, applies several laws and regulations in addition to its application of the Customs Law. And the legislator singled it out for combating various smuggling crimes, including crimes of assault on intellectual property, by giving it the necessary powers to intervene to prevent the infringement of intellectual property rights.

Through this study, we highlight the various methods and mechanisms involved in the Jordanian Customs Department to address all forms of counterfeiting and infringement of intellectual property rights, especially those procedural measures during customs disputes related to intellectual property rights

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How to Cite
Altaany, A., & Jaradat, D. T. J. (2023). The Role of the Jordanian Customs Department in the Protection of Intellectual Property. Jadara Journal of Research and Studies, 10(1), 25–13.